Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Lobby gay according to Bloom
Another day, I was speaking about five of my favourite poets: Whitman, Pessoa, Lorca, Hart Crane and the wonderful Luis Cernuda. All of them were gay, but why should I have to care whether they preferred to go to bed with men or women?'"

O Controverso Bloom
But is there any more socially repugnant idea than to claim that it's more helpful for a young woman from Cape Verde who comes to live in Portugal to read her fellow nationals' books, however bad they are, than Eça or Almeida Garrett?

O incontroverso Bloom
"'I've read 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone'. It's so badly written! It's full of clichés and repetitions. Frankly, I was most disappointed. If the Harry Potter books are now the most popular books in the world, then we've got a terrible problem'" (...)"'Of all my writings in recent years, the one that caused the greatest furore was a small article in which I said, actually in a quite kindly tone, that the Harry Potter books have no value whatever, neither aesthetic, psychological or any other kind"'.


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